
English localization of a video game

This case study describes how Landoor approached and successfully completed a localization project for Kibe Software House. The client needed to localize the video game they had developed into English, taking into account two different text sources: dialogues and item descriptions.  We were provided with a detailed Excel file to organize the complex system of dialogues that required special attention regarding accents and onomatopoeia. The project was delivered on time and fully met the customer’s expectations.


Project overview

Landoor, a video game localization company with a wide range of experience in the field, was tasked with localizing a video game in the narrative metroidvania genre. The video game featured a story rich in dialogue and descriptions of the in-game items that provided crucial information for the plot in the game. The client requested an English localization, which involved careful and detailed work to ensure players were immersed in the story.


The Challenge

The main challenge was the complexity of the dialogue system in the game. Each line in the text had to be associated with a specific character, and a character could make multiple consecutive lines. In addition, there was important dialogue that moved the plot forward, so it was essential that the localization captured the tone and emotion of the characters. The client also requested that the accents be retained and used freely during localization. In addition, it was important to effectively render the onomatopoeia present in the game to maintain the authentic gaming experience.


Our Solution – The Localization Process

We started the project by carefully examining the materials provided by the client, including the Excel files with the dialogues and descriptions of the objects. We organized the material to ensure that each line was connected to the correct character. Our localization team worked closely with native English-speaking translators and proofreaders. Special attention was paid to maintaining the tone, style, and personality of each character in the dialogues and diary.

When it came to accents, we created a step-by-step guide for translators and proofreaders to use them consistently and appropriately. In addition, we worked with the game’s editor to make the English onomatopoeia as close as possible to the original, making sure that they were understandable and engaging for English-speaking players.


The result & impact

The localization project was completed on time, and the client was extremely satisfied with the work completed. The video game was well-received by the English-speaking gaming community and retained the atmosphere and experience of the original game.

In conclusion, this case study demonstrates how careful planning, continuous communication with the client, and solid collaboration between localization team members led to the success of an English-language video game localization project.



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