Agenzia di traduzioni e interpretariato a Milano

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For thirty years, your partner for traduzioni

Experience, talent and innovation in translations and interpreting services. Landoor – Trans-Edit Group Specialist is your door open to the world. Your words have no limits.

Milan based translation and interpreting agency

The need for quality translation and interpreting is becoming increasingly important in today's global marketplace. With the emergence of globalization, the translation and interpreting industry has also experienced tremendous growth.
A good local translation agency, such as Landoor, will guarantee an accurate and quality translation and interpreting service.


«We are always pleased with the quality work and turnaround time Landoor professional translators produce. Additionally, the staff is very friendly and accommodating.» UVDI

Agenzia di traduzioni: perché ci scelgono?

I clienti scelgono Landoor per l'eccellenza dei suoi servizi di traduzione e interpretariato. Il segreto? Le Persone e la capacità innovativa.

Project, Account Manager e Traduttori competenti e disponibili lavorano fianco a fianco con il Cliente per analizzare le sue strategie di comunicazione e le sue esigenze linguistiche.

Esperti in tecnologie linguistiche avanzate e in Ai generativa, in grado di integrare soluzioni innovative nei processi gestionali dei Clienti.

Insieme studiamo progetti su misura e interagiamo costantemente con i Committenti finali per garantire efficienza, qualità e accoglienza dei loro feedback.


«La comunicazione affidata a Landoor ha funzionato ed è stata fondamentale. Il servizio reso è di alto livello non solo per la qualità delle traduzioni, ma anche per velocità e puntualità. Ottima gestione del cliente. Quindi, grazie allo staff di Landoor» GSK Vaccines Italy


Case history


Interpretariato simultaneo durante il conflitto israelo-palestinese

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Localizzazione di un videogioco in inglese: un progetto di successo

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Traduzione di un bilancio consolidato per FACILE.IT

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Case history


Reviewediting of medical terms translated from English to Swahili

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Technologically-advanced language services

The key linchpin of Landoor’s language services and areas of specialisation is Language Technology. The technologies developed by Landoor’s innovative R&D team are focused on People and enhance the quality of each and every one of our services.

Need our help?

Our Team

Landoor is made of people. Whether you are a customer or a collaborator, transform your business relationship into a real partnership, by calling or writing directly to your reference partner for any need.

Team Landoor

Quality certifications

Landoor has obtained triple certification: UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 for its quality management system, ISO 17100:2015 for its translation services, and ISO 10574:2007 for its interpreting services.



What’s Left of Smart Working? Our CEO Adele Nardulli Featured on Sole 24 Ore

To mark the release of her book “Si fa presto a dire smart” (Smart Working…
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Innovation and Data Security

Innovation and Data Security Leading the Way in Smart Translation at Landoor   The Crucial…
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Ask ChatGPT – Our Journey Towards Innovation

In December, Landoor hosted “Ask ChatGPT” at the Swiss Chamber, showcasing our 2023 research findings…
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